
Coverage is computed for annotated regions in the reference database and implemented as follows. Each sequence in the reference database is represented by an array of integers which are incremented and decremented by 1 for each alignment start and end position respectively. Coverage over each reference sequence is then calculated as the cumulative sum over the corresponding array. The calculation of coverage has a time complexity of O(n + N), where nis the total number of bases in the reference database and N is the number of mapped reads. This is substantially faster than the naïve approach which for each mapped read increments the coverage for each mapped base, yielding a time complexity of O(n + N*M), where M is the maximum number of bases per read.

Modifying how coverage is computed

The Tentacle modules that compute coverage are located in tentacle/coverage. They use the mapping data in the contigCoverage data structure that is populated in tentacle/parsers/ Check the code in that file to see how the dictionary is laid out. Essentially the dicionary holds a NumPy array for each of the sequences in the reference file. The array contains integers and after going through the mapper output each position in the array contains a number representing the number of times that position was covered by a read.

It is possible to modify the way the statistics are computed. See the files in the coverage module to see how it works.

Functions in the coverage module


This module contains all the functions required to manipulate the contig coverage data structure.


This module contains the function that computes statistics across annotated regions of the reference sequences.

Compute and write coverage statistics

This module contains a single function responsible for formatting the output.